Your Pelvic Floor explained by Shanice Gabriel (women’s health physical therapist)

Pelvic floor health is essential for male and female bodies. It controls a huge amount of our physical functions and is influenced by physical, mental and emotional disposition. Don’t be fooled to think that it has only to do with reproductive health and function.

We sat down with Shanice Gabriel a women’s health physical therapist who specializes in all aspects of the female body and women’s health. She gave us an anatomy refresher on what is going down, down there and what it looks like as well as what functions the pelvic floor is involved in.

In this blog post, we will break down what she discusses in the video below.

  1. The anatomy of your pelvic floor: It’s not as simple as it seems. The pelvic floor includes a variety of parts and affects many other muscles and joints in our body.

  2. Typical symptoms of pelvic floor problems: It doesn’t matter if you have had children or not, you can have issues down there and you need to know what to pay attention to.

  3. Are kegels enough? Kegels are often done incorrectly and we will walk you through a few cues.

  4. Can men have pelvic floor disfunction: Spoiler alert, yes they can and they manifest differently than in female bodies.

Watch the 30 minute video below and do some of the exercises with us to strengthen and relax your pelvic floor.


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