10 Ways to ease Back Pain
“Every time we ask women, what they think the most common injury or persistent pain is over 40, they answer: back pain, in particular lower back pain.”
So in this blog, we are going to break down ten ways in which to improve that phenomenon.
1. Tilt your pelvis
If you have taken a yoga class, you may have heard your yoga instructor say this: Drawing the belly in and pulling your tailbone down while you are standing and doing daily activities can work a part of your abs that will keep your back healthy.
2. Try goddess squats
Coming into a low squat with your heels on the ground resembles a stance in which your back is curved and relaxed. This position requires you to either keep your heels on the ground or place a yoga block under your buttocks. Either way it’s a great position to relax in and also supports your digestion and bowel movement.
3. Lie on your side with a foam roller between your knees
Laying on your side will ensure that your lower back is relaxed and help your lumbar spine decompress. Even 10 mins should significantly take the pressure off. Place the foam roller the entire length from your ankle to your knee and if it’s longer than that, let it stick out at the top.
4. Strengthen your core (front and back)
Your back is part of your core and deadbugs are a great exercise to work both. Lie down on your back, bring both legs into table top and reach your arms up. Then lower opposite arm and leg to the floor, bring them all the way back up, then alternate. Keep pressing your lower back into the ground and you should feel your core muscles working, right away from the first repeat.
4. See an acupuncturist
Peri/menopause is a good time to explore alternative health practices when your options for pain relief shouldn’t be to rely on pharmaceuticals. So invest in acupuncture sessions and get the benefit of treating more than your pain and to make sure you are in alignment and balanced beyond just the physical aspects.
6. Do bird dogs
The bird dog yoga pose is one of the best exercises to do at any age. It works your core gently and can help strengthening and aligning your hips. Bonus point for helping support your lower back.
7. Don’t Stretch! Mobilize!
Stretching, especially for sciatica, can make matters worse and not improve your symptoms. Instead you want to open up the surrounding muscle tissue and keep it moving optimally. Namely the hip flexors, outer hip and piriformis. For the piriformis, lie down on your back, bend one knee and place a massage ball under the butt cheek, before letting that leg fall out to the side gently. You will notice the sensitive spot right away.
8. Stand up often
We know—it’s easier said than done. But if you are in an office job, moving around is even more important now that you are expecting. Sitting for long periods of time is linked to postural chronic pain as well as cardiovascular disease. As much as you can, get up from your desk and walk around a little bit to prevent slouching and back pain.
9. Sit uneven and undo your crossed legs
Don’t cross your legs as it can contribute to the anterior tilt in one of your hips and cause more pain. Instead if you know which of your hips sits lower, try and sit with a pillow under just that cheek for a bit and see if it helps with misalignment.
10. Lie down with your legs up the wall
This delicious restorative yoga pose is a miracle for both physical and mental relief, getting you out of a state of fight or flight. Scoot up to a wall sideways, then put a blanket on the floor directly under your hips. Place your hips and sacrum on it as you lift your legs up against the wall. Lie down on your back, close your eyes, turn your palms up and relax your legs. Stay here for at least 10 mins and your back will thank you.