Do you want to make sense of your health and longevity?
Our protocols are personalized, predictive and preventive.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via email.
Otherwise, sign up to our waitlist to get access to our new products, first.
How long is the free trial? You can use the platform for free for 4 weeks.
What is the estimated time commitment? None of your daily goals should take longer than a few minutes each per day.
Will any sort of biometric testing for vitamin levels, etc. be included? If not, how are the precision care plans created? We do not offer biomarker or diagnostic testing but we can offer injury support and build that into a protocol as well as working on specific interventions related to blood test results that a woman may have that need looking at. The protocols are built based on the pillars of health that need the most support.
Am I interacting only with the app & content or will there be chat or calls with a human? We offer chat support for free and insights emails at the end of each week and an individual call for a nominal one-time fee (the health coaching option will allow for more in-depth discussion of needs in the protocol and ad hoc changes in the protocol). At the end of the 4 weeks we will offer a Q&A for feedback and support for all participants.
Do I need an apple watch or other tracker to participate? Any wearable device greatly improves the insights we give, however we are confident that we can lend support without it too).